Wednesday, July 17, 2013


What the game says it is: "Take on hordes of Enemies and Colossal Bosses with Devastating array of fighting moves and combos.  Embark on an epic adventure to stop an Elusive evil."

What the game actually is: Conan is a hack and slash were you take on hordes of Enemies and face various bosses retrieving pieces of Conans magical armor and collecting varies moves to help defeat your enemies.

Graphic and Sound: Graphics were good with some imersive environments, the sound was what one would hope for in a typical XBOX 360 game.

How game play was: It is obvious hack and slash, right from the beginning you fight groupings of enemies (ten or more) mostly human. There are some very simple puzzles in parts, mostly object manipulation. Conan will tell what you need to do. 

The story was simple and enjoyable it seemed rather familiar, like something I had read long ago and had forgotten. I had a lot fun with this game hacking my way to Victory.

The Good: The game is straight forward with a decent story that feels more like a reward then "Damn, I can't skip this part?"

The Bad: The endless enemies can get old.

The Ugly: The camera angles were very frustrating at times making certain areas harder then they would have been otherwise.

Overall: This was a fun game with some mindless hack and slash and some good boss battles. The interaction with the environment and being able to pick up you're fallen enemies weapons or disarm them were a good plus, even thought the story felt familiar it was good.

PTSD Rating:  4 

Why I rated:  I rated this a 4 because of the dismemering of human enemies arms legs and heads that you tend to do throughout the game, which can earn you achievements. I also rate it at a 4 for blood that although not super realistic as with the dismemering could trigger memories from your combat experiences.

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